Hi Tech & Innovation news


Investors swoop in to save German flying taxi startup

A German flying taxi firm was Tuesday saved from collapse after investors swooped in to take it over, in a case that has fired debate about support for the country's startup scene.


Nondestructive microwave radar finds moisture hiding inside a building's walls

For homeowners, moisture buildup can cause the biggest headaches. Mold grows on drywall and wood-based materials, creeping along walls, floors and ceilings. Building materials begin to erode and rot. As insulation becomes ...


Watch 'ant-like' robot swarms conquer obstacles and transport heavy loads

Scientists in South Korea have developed swarms of tiny magnetic robots that work together like ants to achieve Herculean feats, including traversing and picking up objects many times their size.


Harnessing corrosion: Scientists transform dealloying into sustainable lightweight alloy design

Max Planck Institute for Sustainable Materials (MPI-SusMat) researchers have transformed dealloying—traditionally seen as a corrosive, destructive process—into a groundbreaking method for creating lightweight, high-strength ...


New knit haptic sleeve simulates realistic touch

Wearable haptic devices, which provide touch-based feedback, can provide more realistic experiences in virtual reality, assist with rehabilitation, and create new opportunities for silent communication. Currently, most of ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Video: Biometrics for authenticating artworks

In the art world, a certificate of authenticity is the traditional guarantee of originality. Typically issued by artists, art dealers or private sellers, these certificates serve to distinguish genuine works from forgeries. ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Wearable energy harvester achieves 280 times efficiency boost

A team led by Prof. Jang Kyung-In from the Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering (DGIST) has developed a three-dimensional stretchable piezoelectric energy harvester that can harvest electrical energy using ...


Turning 3D printing's biggest flaw into its smartest feature

Civil and systems engineers at Johns Hopkins University have turned a longstanding problem with 3D printers into a multifunctional feature: The team developed a new printing technique that solves the fundamental weakness ...


Low-cost vortex beam generators could boost 5G/6G networks

Researchers have developed a 3D-printed device that generates twisting light beams with orbital angular momentum (OAM), a form of rotational energy that can carry more data than regular beams. The efficient, compact and low-cost ...

Computer Sciences

Coming soon—offline speech recognition on your phone

More than one in four people currently integrate speech recognition into their daily lives. A new algorithm developed by a University of Copenhagen researcher and his international colleagues makes it possible to interact ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

By tweaking materials, scientists create transistors that remember

A team of Johns Hopkins materials scientists made a surprising discovery that could change the way memory works in electronics. By tweaking the materials used in organic material-based logic switches called transistors, they ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Battery-like computer memory keeps working above 1,000°F

Computer memory could one day withstand the blazing temperatures in fusion reactors, jet engines, geothermal wells and sweltering planets using a new solid-state memory device developed by a team of engineers led by the University ...